Investor Ideas Stock Directories in the News... "San Francisco Chronicle"
Investor Ideas: Say you want to invest in stocks involved in the wireless industry but you don't know where to start. Investor Ideas ( maintains amazingly comprehensive lists of stocks in a variety of industries including homeland security, renewable energy, natural gas, coal, gaming, food and beverage, and many more. The site doesn't just list the stocks; it includes a paragraph describing each firm's business. Many of the stocks listed are tiny firms that are too risky for most investors. Nevertheless, it's a good place to start your research. Full Investing article - Web sites give tips for savvy investing
Our Stock Directories: (Includes stocks on North American and global Stock Exchanges)
*Biotech Stocks Directory
*Natural Gas Stocks Directory
*Defense Stocks Directory
*Renewable Energy Stocks Directory(estimated 900+ stocks)
*Environment Stocks Directory
*Water Stocks Directory
*Fuel Cell Stocks Directory
*Oil and Gas Stocks Directory(estimated 500+ stocks)
Coming next week- gold and mining stocks directory- currently at 870 stocks and growing !