New additions to our Renewable Energy Portal
This month the face of the renewable energy stocks portal - changes as OTCBB: XSNX leaves the site after being a featured company for two years and new companies- ZAP and Rotoblock join us this week.
ZAP (OTCBB: ZAAP) has been a leader in advanced transportation technologies since 1994, delivering over 90,000 vehicles to consumers in more than 75 countries. ZAP is at the forefront of fuel-efficient transportation with new technologies including energy efficient gas systems, hydrogen, electric, fuel cell, alcohol, hybrid and other innovative power systems. ZAP has structured its business activities in two parts: automotive portal and consumer products. The automotive portal will focus on building upon its independent distribution network by offering a line of electric and alternative fuel-efficient vehicles. Consumer products focus similarly on targeting new markets that advocate the use of advanced forms of transportation. The Company continues to expand its line of battery powered vehicles, scooters, off-road vehicles, mopeds and more, and has entered into the energy and electronics market with innovative battery technology.
Rotoblock Corporation (OTCBB: ROTB) is focused on the continued development and improvement of its energy efficient Oscillating Piston Engine to the state where its mechanical, ecological and economic viability leads to the profitable licensing of the manufacturer's rights to a proprietary patented design or a partnership for its manufacture. The Company was incorporated in Nevada, is headquartered in Santa Rosa, California, and has its operating labs in Vancouver, Canada. The Company has full rights to the patents of the original Oscillating Piston Engine and believes the Rotoblock Oscillating Piston Engine has particular and useful applications in developing countries such as China and India and will be including these areas in the marketing and commercialization phase of this engine.
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